Sunday, June 6, 2010

End of Week 5

Leslie and I went to Summerville this weekend to see the in-laws and her grand parents. We were pretty good while we were down there with the diet. I was going to do my weekly weigh-in and I had stepped on my mother-in-law's scale; it said I was 223 lbs! I was excited that I had lost another 3 lbs last week. But, I knew that it wasn't the same scale that I had been using, so I was pretty skeptical about the number. Plus, having lost 4 lbs the week before, I didn't think I could come up with another big number like that. When we got home, I got on the scale that I have been using since the start and it said I had only lost 1 lb.

So, -1 is better than 0 or +1, but I would have liked to have had -3 lbs. I'm excited about this week and I'm ready to put in some good work because I think just the diet along is not going to get me there any more. So it's time to kick it in gear and get to work! Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Portion control is the key.

    But exercise does't hurt!

    Drink some water instead of beer!

