Sunday, June 13, 2010

End of Week 6

This has been some kind of a week. It's been very stressful at work. We have a lot of great opportunities in front of us, but deciding on how best to be good stewards of those opportunities seems to be a daunting task right now. On top of that, I didn't exercise like I should have and strayed from my diet with Mexican food for lunch one day and was really bad with the beer yesterday. All of these things lead me to believe I might have even gained a pound this week.

Much to my surprise, the unbiased scale says I lost 4 more lbs! I do think that it's not really true though. With the timing of the weigh in last Sunday being in the evening (after I had had breakfast, lunch and dinner), I think I probably lost 2-3 lbs the week before and really only losing 1-2 lbs this week to get my 2 week total to 5 lbs. I'm extremely excited to have lost 15 lbs since I started this journey.

I'm now 221 lbs and very excited to cross the 220 mark this week (hopefully). I got a pair of goggles so that I can swim laps now that the pool is open and that's been a lot of fun. I like being able to change up what I'm doing so that I can continue to keep it interesting. That's what seems to be the hard part right now. We also got a medicine ball to help with the ab exercises. I hope to see some big changes in the gut region now that I can add some weight to the exercise mix.

My face is definitely less bloated and I my gut doesn't feel quite so out there. I'm starting to feel good about being close to that -20 lbs loss mark. I hope that the second 20 comes off just easily as the 1st seem to have. (Yes I know I just jinxed myself) I'll keep you posted!

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